Rhinoplasty,more commonly called a nose job,is basically a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure in which the nose is reshaped and altered. There are essentially two kinds of plastic surgeries used in rhinoplasty reconstructive and aesthetic surgery,which changes the appearance or reconstructs the shape of the nose. Here’s a look at both the pros and cons of rhinoplasty.

Pros of Rhinoplasty It can be done quickly,easily and economically. It has very few risks and most insurance plans will cover the cost. There is little healing time involved and the post-op recovery period is minimal. The skin doesn’t change much because the procedure uses only local anesthesia. The recovery period for rhinoplasty typically lasts from eight to fourteen days. The procedure can be performed under local or general anesthetic and sometimes on an outpatient basis.

The only potential complication of rhinoplasty surgery is swelling,however,this is usually temporary and usually occurs after the nose job is completed. Swelling generally reduces within one week. There may be additional swelling in the months that follow but most surgeons report that the swelling goes away on its own after three to four months.

Pros of Rhinoplasty One of the primary reasons that a rhinoplasty surgery is performed is to eliminate enlarged nasal pockets. A popular procedure called nasal packing may be used to achieve this result. Nasal packing may reduce the size of a nose hole and may improve breathing through the nose while decreasing bleeding and swelling. Most nose surgeons recommend that nasal packing is done in conjunction with a rhinoplasty surgery in order to maximize the patient’s satisfaction and long-term results. Some additional benefits of nasal packing may include prevention of recurrent sinusitis and the healing of facial skin tissue at the incision site. Some surgeons also note that the wound stays closed more effectively after nasal packing than it does with other incisions.

Cons of Rhinoplasty If you’re considering rhinoplasty surgery,you probably already know that it’s a serious procedure that requires several visits and may be painful. In addition,rhinoplasty can be costly. Not all cosmetic procedures can be paid for in cash,which means that some patients will need to rely on financing plans or private insurance. Because rhinoplasty surgeries are performed under general anesthesia,there is also a risk of blood clots. Some surgical sites may also require repeat procedures due to the formation of scar tissue. These costs can quickly add up and become a financial burden that many people simply can’t afford.

Common Questions Following Rhinoplasty Surgery according to website https://www.seattlerhinoplastycenter.com Patients is typically concerned with questions such as,”Can I go swimming after having rhinoplasty?” and “How soon can I resume normal activities?” Unfortunately,the surgeon will not be able to provide specific answers to any of these questions,but he/she will explain the reasons why each procedure was performed and any complications that may occur. In addition,the surgeon may recommend waiting three months following your rhinoplasty surgery in order to allow time for the incisions to heal.

Common Complications Rhinoplasty procedures rarely result in any significant medical complications,although a slightly elevated temperature is often experienced following surgery. Swelling and bruising may be experienced in the immediate days following the procedure,but swelling and bruising generally disappears within a week or two. A small percentage of patients experience an infection and a health care provider should be consulted for further information. It is rare for a patient to suffer an adverse reaction to any of the anesthesia used during the rhinoplasty procedure,although a rare incidence has been reported involving a drug used pre-op.

Conclusion Rhinoplasty procedures are performed for a variety of reasons,including correcting vision problems,altering facial appearance,enhancing appearance,or reducing size. Rhinoplasty can improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from breathing problems,such as those who have breathing passages that are too small,as well as improving the ability of diabetics to breathe properly. The benefits of rhinoplasty extend beyond the cosmetic reasons for performing the surgery,as well. Patients can experience greater levels of health,confidence,improved self-esteem,improved quality of life,and improved quality of relationships. For many individuals,rhinoplasty is the best nose surgery they will ever have. It can change your life!
