What Exactly Is Lipo 360?

You’ve heard of liposuction,which is a treatment that removes fat deposits from some areas of the body. This technique gets divided into two parts:

Suction-assisted liposuction: involves injecting saline,water,and anesthetic into the targeted region of fat cells,which get subsequently suctioned out using a tiny cannula (like an IV needle).

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: A cannula is placed into the fat cell region and vibrates to emit ultrasound waves. The energy liquefies the cells as the cannula goes through them,and they get suctioned out.

Liposuction is often done on the abdomen,back,arms,legs,buttocks,hips,and breasts.

Lipo 360 employs these techniques,but it is a more thorough process that targets the entire midsection rather than a single region.

Dr. Mowlavi will remove fat from the upper and lower abdomen,sides,and back in a 360-degree motion to create a flatter stomach and a more defined and sculpted waist.

The Advantages of 360 Lipo

Why should you go for 360 Lipo over conventional liposuction,which only targets a specific area?

The primary benefit of this process is that you will have a more comprehensive outcome since 360 Lipo will improve your body shape. Traditional liposuction on the abdomen,for example,eliminates fat while leaving the body’s general proportions primarily unaltered.

Dr. Mowlavi will consider the entire profile and silhouette of the stomach,not only the regions of fat around the back,tummy,and love handles; he will do it in a way that sculpts and molds the body. To give you the form you desire!

For the greatest Lipo 360 outcomes,you must:

  • Have genuine expectations about what the procedure can and cannot give.
  • Refrain from smoking for at least six weeks before and after the treatment.
  • Be in generally excellent condition.

Would you please book a 360 Lipo Consultation near me today?

Dr. Mowlavi can help you get rid of extra fat for good and enjoy a more petite,trimmer figure! Schedule a private appointment now to learn about your best choices,or fill out our contact form to learn more.
