Why Face-to-Face Meetings Are Still Better than Online Meetings

The pandemic has forced everyone to stay within the comfort of their own homes,and this included adapting to a new lifestyle for work. The whole lockdown had proven how some meetings can be a simple email,but even more so emphasized that the ones done in person are still the most productive. In fact, majority of employees agree that face-to-face meetings are crucial for the success of business and establishing relationships in the long run. 

Communication is Easier 

There are simply occasions that are better to be hosted in person where there are no communication barriers and no worry of messages being delayed or going static because of poor internet connection and other faults in technology. This is why most office meetings or special occasions are recommended to be held in rooms where people can interact freely,like an event space for hire in Singapore,or conference rooms where people would feel more comfortable in. 

Establish Strong Relationships

Face-to-face meetings have the luxury of not having to worry about how the messages sent via email or chat would be interpreted as,playing a crucial role in establishing harmonious and long-term relationships. Disagreements can easily be settled in face-to-face meetings,without having to deal with the frustration of typing out response or the delays of the video meeting. A message shared in person is still a thousand times faster. 

Affects Company Culture & Bond 

Video meetings are convenient,however,in no way is it similar to a real-life conversation with faster communication,productivity,and more importantly,stronger bonds between employees. Video meetings usually only allows one user to speak to avoid delays and any technical issues,preventing crucial,real-time discussions. 

Face-to-face conversations provide employees a more personal way of communicating with one another. This plays a pivotal role in how companies can move forward. 
